• Meal Planning


Summer Health Tips for Kids: Balancing Fun and Healthy Choices

Statistics show that children tend to gain weight three times faster during the summer break.

As the school year draws to a close and the relaxing days of summer approach, parents are often faced with the stress of balancing one or two months of work while their kids are out of school. Summer is a time for children to wind down, relax, and recharge, but it also presents challenges, particularly for parents in terms of managing their children’s eating habits. With a few easy strategies on how to prevent summer weight gain in children, you can balance fun with healthy choices and keep your kids on track.

Understanding the Risks

Summer means less structure, which can lead to irregular sleep patterns, increased screen time, and more sedentary activities. These changes can contribute to making uninformed choices when it comes to food and snacking. Studies have shown that children often spend more time indoors with electronic devices and snack more frequently, leading to unintentional weight gain.

A study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) highlighted that children tend to gain weight more rapidly during the summer months compared to the school year. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in children who may have less access to recreational activities and nutritious food options.

As parents, it’s hard to keep up with providing oversight and healthy food, especially if you are not into cooking, have a fulltime job, or have older children who might be having more freedom in terms of organizing their own schedule or preparing their own food. Below are a few tips on strategies, food choices, and how the Little Lunches app could help you through the summer.

Practical Strategies for a Healthy Summer

To maintain a healthy balance and prevent summer weight gain, consider these tips:

  1. Consistent Meal and Snack Times: Summer should be fun and flexible, but keeping regular meal schedules helps prevent excessive snacking and overconsumption of high-calorie foods. Clear boundaries around eating times can help develop healthier habits and reduce mindless munching.
  2. Healthy Food In the Pantry: Fast food and restaurant treats are part of summer fun, but balance them with nutritious options like fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and whole grains. Limiting sugary snacks and processed foods makes healthier choices easier.
  3. Balanced Screen Time: Set reasonable limits on recreational screen time to encourage physical activity. Outdoor play and interactive games engage children both mentally and physically, which helps them stay active.
  4. Encourage Physical Activity: Plan regular, fun activities such as bike rides, hikes, or park visits. Even household chores can keep kids moving while contributing to the family routine.
  5. Prioritize Sleep: Maintain consistent bedtimes and wake times to ensure your children get enough rest. Quality sleep supports overall health and helps regulate appetite and energy levels.
  6. Lead by Example: Model healthy behaviors by prioritizing your own sleep, nutrition, and physical activity. Children are more likely to adopt healthy habits when they see them practiced by their parents.

Dealing with Summer Camp Food Choices

Summer camps can be a great way for kids to stay active and engaged, but they often come with their own set of challenges when it comes to food. Many camps provide meals that may not always be the healthiest, and vending machines loaded with sugary snacks and drinks can tempt children throughout the day. Parents can help by packing nutritious lunches and snacks for their kids and talking to camp staff about healthier food options.

The Importance of Hydration

Keeping children hydrated is crucial, especially during hot summer months. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, and decreased physical performance. Encourage your kids to drink water regularly, and limit sugary drinks like sodas and sports drinks. Water-rich fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges, are also great for keeping kids hydrated.

Fun and Healthy Summer Snack Ideas

Healthy snacks can be both nutritious and fun. Here are some easy ideas for preschoolers and up:

- Fruit Kabobs: Skewer a variety of colorful fruits for a fun and refreshing treat.
- Yogurt Parfaits: Layer yogurt with granola and fresh berries.
- Veggie Sticks with Hummus: Carrot sticks, cucumber slices, and bell pepper strips dipped in hummus make a tasty snack.
- Frozen Grapes: For kids over the age of 4 and used to eating whole grapes, freeze grapes for a cool and sweet snack. 

Involving Kids in Meal Preparation

Involving children in meal preparation can make them more interested in healthy eating. Let them help with washing vegetables, stirring ingredients, or even planning the menu. Cooking together is a great opportunity to teach them about nutrition and healthy eating habits (the Little Lunches app supports this!).

Maintaining a Balanced Routine

While summer is a time for relaxation, maintaining some routine can be beneficial. Encourage your children to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Structure their day with a mix of activities, including outdoor play, reading, and quiet time. This balance helps them feel secure and supports healthy habits.

The Role of Community and Support Networks

Building a supportive community can make a significant difference in maintaining healthy habits. Engage with other parents to share tips and organize group activities. Local community centers often offer summer programs that promote physical activity and healthy eating. Take advantage of these resources to keep your kids engaged and healthy.

Keep It Balanced with the Little Lunches App

Summer is a time for relaxation and enjoyment, but it's also an opportunity to reinforce healthy habits. By maintaining consistent routines, promoting nutritious eating, and encouraging physical activity, parents can help their children stay healthy and active. 

The Little Lunches app can be a valuable tool in this effort. This convenient meal planning app is designed for busy families and takes the guesswork out of healthy eating for kids. Little Lunches provides customizable meal plans tailored to your family's dietary needs and preferences. Whether you need quick lunch ideas for a picnic or wholesome snacks for an adventure, Little Lunches has you covered. 

By incorporating Little Lunches into your summer routine, you can simplify meal prep and ensure your children get the nutrition they need to stay active and healthy, whether by following a weekly menu or picking nutritious, tasty recipes on the fly. If you have a teenage kid with his or her own smartphone, you can conveniently share the account with your kid and do all the planning and cooking as a team. This summer, let’s empower children to lead healthier lives while having fun and recharging for the next school year. Together, we can make this summer both enjoyable and health-conscious. Download Little Lunches now and get 7 days free!

By Little Lunches



- National Institutes of Health (NIH) study on summer weight gain
- American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines on child nutrition
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for physical activity and healthy eating in children

4 months ago